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SELECTMEN'S MINUTES September 18, 2001


PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, chairman, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally


The minutes of 9/11/01 and 9/04/01 were accepted as written and signed and will be posted to our web page.


SUBJECT:  Public hearing – King Road, “No Thru Trucking”

Present:  Robert Mann, Carol & Joe Egan, Dennis Nolin, Paul Adams, road agent A J May

Recommended the issue be revisited in twelve months.  He is concerned that Pleasant Street will see the repercussion of closing King Road to no thru trucking.

Mr. Mann asked if King Road and Chichester Road would be closed.  Chichester Road in Loudon and King Road in Chichester will both be posted.
Mr. And Mrs. Egan expressed their concerns for the trucking on the road.

A J explained that Chichester and Loudon would need to post their roads in order to make it legal to no thru trucking.  His concern is to keep King Road in good shape and heavy hauling can potentially ruin the road.

The Board agreed to revisit the issue in twelve months.

Mrs. Egan reported that the “Low Shoulder” signs are folded over and need to be replaced.

Mr. Mann is concerned that Loudon will feel the pressure from the truckers and not post.  He also thanked the Selectmen for holding the public hearing.

SUBJECT:  Ron Medhurst-code violations

Present:  A J May, Dave Shackford, Dean Wolf, Ron Medhurst

Mr. Medhurst wrote to R J Moreau regarding issues with his home and Moreau has not responded to his concerns.  Mr. Moreau is building house that are not to code and the building inspector is not inspecting homes as he should.  Mr. Medhurst showed pictures of his deck that collapsed.  Mr. Medhust just wants to make the Board aware of the situation.

Mr. Wolf suggested increasing the building inspector fees to increase the inspections to watch for these problems.  Mr. Wolf built a deck and the building inspector did not come to inspect it.

Mr. Shackford is complaining that some of the boundary pins have not been placed for his property.  At the Selectmen’s meeting of 1/09/01 A J May stated that he would check to make sure the pins would be set.

Selectman Bailey explained that the planning board can only  take the word of the engineer that the pins would be set.

Mr. Shackford requested the minutes of 1/09/01.  The hard copy was not in the folder but, Judy will get them from the computer.  He complained that the information given to them at that meeting was not complete.  Mr. Shackford asked what the Town’s right-of-way is.  He was told that it was not less than 50 feet.  It could be more due to corners, slope easements etc.  A J could not be sure what the right-of-way is in front of Mr. Shackford’s without looking at the plan.  Mr. Shackford asked if the cracks in the road would be sealed.  A J told him they would.

Driveway culverts are the responsibility of the homeowner.  The road culverts are the responsibility of the Town.  Mr. Shackford requested that this be explained when discussing culverts.  

Mr. Medhurst stated that silt is building up on the cul-de-sac and creating a problem.  A J will see to it that Charbonneau addresses the problem if there is one.  

SUBJECT:  Stan Brehm

Stan has serious concerns for his road.  The road is washing out. The silt is running into his yard and needs rip rap or something.  Also, the culvert below his house, over Marden Brook, is falling apart.  The road is narrow in places.  A J said it would be very costly to purchase property to widen the road.  Stan wants to know if there is a plan to work on Hutchinson Road.  In A J’s opinion, the road is not in bad shape compared to others in Town.  Stan wanted to know when his road would be a priority.  No work is planned this year.  Usual maintenance such as grading and gravel is planned.  Chairman Jordan said that if we have enough money the culvert will get fixed.

SUBJECT:  Board discussion

The DRA meeting to discuss our revaluation is scheduled for October 5.    Judy, Heather, Ted and Dennis will try to attend.

Discussed gifts for the appreciation dinner.

Linda Kelley phoned the office to ask if the Town could help her.  Her driveway is in Chichester with a Chichester 911 address and her house is in Pembroke.  She is having problem getting cable service.  Chichester won’t supply service because she lives in Pembroke and Pembroke doesn’t supply service because her address is in Chichester.   Judy will call the cable company to inquire.

The Cemetery Commission submitted new bi-laws and will now submit prepared deeds for the sale of the lots.

The Library Trustees submitted a letter of complaint regarding the lockbox at the Library.

Judy spoke with Jenks surveying regarding the invoice the Conservation Commission owes.  The project is half done.  The job can either be completed by the new owner or we can find someone else.  Chairman Jordan will meet with the Commission to discuss it.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey

Jeffrey Jordan, chairman

Dennis Call